Thursday, April 19, 2012

who will do your laundry in the times of Moshiach

When Moshiach comes, Maimonides tells us that the whole world will be occupied with knowing G-d. The question begs to be asked, who will take care of everything if we are all busy thinking about G-ds greatness, and pondering the hidden secrets of the Torah! Well, for one, we know that for over 100 years (really, since the industrial revolution-which has a special connection to moshiach, for another time) millions of jobs have been replaced by machines since the industrial revolution (like when they brought machines to the farms)etc.

There is already a robot that mows the lawn, and a robot that vacuums, as well as a robot that cleans your pool. Now researchers have developed a robot that can fold laundry..Its not ready for mass production yet, but will be there soon then people can have more time contemplating hashems greatness.
robot folding laundry:

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The world is moving closer to Moshiach

How can this happen so fast without a miracle?

We know many things will be different when moshiach comes but how can all these changes take place without changing the entire structure of nature and system of the world?

the article below is a an example how a simple natural solution can change things

This simple solution will do all of the following:

1) it will keep the city of London cleaner.
2) it will save millions of dollars.
3) it will allow for people to still be careless :) and still have the streets cleaned ( this is an answer to some that say, we have all these great inventions and technologies but the people are not "ready". people are still way behind? first of all people are changing,(maybe its the ubiquitous eyes of the new technologies, but almost nothing is secret anymore) second, people will catch on and change. This story is a good example that even though people are still throwing gum on the floor (being careless and irresponsible) being that the time has come for the streets to be clean of gum a solution has arrived and eventually people will actually change.....I'm sure there are many other examples but i thought this was a small interesting way to look at it.

New gum could mean sticky end for mess

  • Story Highlights
  • Authorities, green groups welcome launch of world's first biodegradable gum
  • Chewing gum costs millions to remove from city sidewalks
  • Manufacturers say new Mexican product decomposes in six weeks

By Olivia Feld

LONDON, England (CNN) -- British authorities and environmental groups were welcoming the launch this week of the world's first biodegradable chewing gum, which they say could help save some of the millions spent on clearing up the mess ordinary gum creates.

The new gum becomes non-adhesive when dry and decomposes to dust within six weeks, a spokesman for Mexico's Chicza Mayan Rainforest Chewing Gum told CNN.

The makers of Chicza say it is the first biodegradable chewing gum ever sold. Environmental and waste management groups told CNN that they, too, believe it is a first.

Unlike other gums that contain petrochemicals the natural gum is produced from the sap of the chicozapote tree found in the Mexican rainforest, a spokesman for Chicza told CNN.

A spokesman for campaign group Keep Britain Tidy told CNN they welcome any product that can help eradicate the staining on pavements caused by dropped chewing gum.

Removing chewing gum litter costs local authorities £150 million ($222 million) a year, a spokesman for the Local Government Association told CNN.

Sixty-five percent of British streets have chewing gum stuck on them, a spokesman from Keep Britain Tidy told CNN.

One of the worst-affected areas is Westminster in central London, where a comprehensive gum clean-up would cost £9 million ($13.4 million), according to Westminster City Council.

"Gum litter is a constant problem for us, especially given the vast number of visitors to Westminster every day. We spend £100,000 ($148,000) a year cleaning ugly blobs of conventional chewing gum off our streets," Westminster City Councilor Danny Chalkley said in a written statement.

"It's an incredibly expensive and time-consuming task, so anything that could reduce the problem is very welcome indeed." he said.

British parliamentarians have called on the government to introduce a tax on chewing gum, with the money raised going toward the cost of gum removal.

In Britain, offenders can be fined up to £80 ($119) for discarding used chewing gum on a street.

The producer of the new gum is Consorcio Chiclero, which comprises 46 cooperatives with around 2,000 chicleros farmers, working in an area of 1.3 million hectares of rainforest, according to a statement from Chicza.

Locals have been extracting the natural chicle gum base from the bark of the chicozapote trees for a century, a spokesman for Chicza told CNN.

After years of exporting the gum base to be used as an ingredient in the manufacture of regular chewing gum, the cooperative recently decided to start making its own gum using only chicle gum base and natural flavorings and sweeteners, Chicza said.

The company launched its gum in Britain this week. It is available at a chain of supermarkets and Mexican restaurants.

The Chicza gum sells for £1.39 ($2.06) for a pack of 12 squares.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

A Torah of "Life"

We know that Torah and Mitzvos keep a Jew happy and healthy, physically and spiritually. The Rebbe writes in many letters that this is very literal. It express itself in our day to day lives. For example, the Rebe responds to an individual who is trying to decide about if they should send their child (who seemingly was ill) to a school that the "Yiras Shamaim" (fear of heaven) is not that great but the air quaility there is better as opposed to the other school that does have "Yiras Shamaim" but the air quality is not as good. The Rebbe answered that it it says "yiras Shamaim Lechaim" fear of Haven is what gives life therefore send the child to the school that has more fear of haven even thought the air is not as good, because ultimately that is what contributes to more life.
We also know that in the times of Moshiach the whole world and the Jewish people in particular will be healthy and happy etc.. the closest we got to something of this sort was during the times of king Solomon when the world was at peace and "people sat under their vine and under their fig trees. ( I.E in peace and happiness)being that now we are closing in on the Geulah (redemption) The New York Times is helping us "open our eyes" and see the geulah is on the way...
because lo and behold the New York Times reported on March 7th of last year that the happiest man in America is an observant Jew. This is based on the Gallup-Health ways Wellbeing Index... Here is the article.... if you keep in mind what percentage of the population is Jewish and what percentage is observant the results are even more amazing.

For the last three years, Gallup has called 1,000 randomly selected American adults each day and asked them about their emotional status, work satisfaction, eating habits, illnesses, stress levels and other indicators of their quality of life.
It’s part of an effort to measure the components of “the good life.” The responses are plugged into a formula, called the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index, and then sorted by geographic area and other demographic criteria. The accompanying maps show where well-being is highest and lowest around the country.
The New York Times asked Gallup to come up with a statistical composite for the happiest person in America, based on the characteristics that most closely correlated with happiness in 2010. Men, for example, tend to be happier than women, older people are happier than middle-aged people, and so on.
Gallup’s answer: he’s a tall, Asian-American, observant Jew who is at least 65 and married, has children, lives in Hawaii, runs his own business and has a household income of more than $120,000 a year. A few phone calls later and ...
Meet Alvin Wong. He is a 5-foot-10, 69-year-old, Chinese-American, Kosher-observing Jew, who’s married with children and lives in Honolulu. He runs his own health care management business and earns more than $120,000 a year.
Reached by phone at his home on Friday (and referred to The Times by a local synagogue), Mr. Wong said that he was indeed a very happy person. He said that perhaps he manages to be the happiest man in America because “my life philosophy is, if you can’t laugh at yourself, life is going to be pretty terrible for you.”
He continued: “This is a practical joke, right?”

In another related article the author dissects some of the data
she makes some fascinating points

1. Jews in general and religious Jews in particular scored the highest in happiness. in her words....RELIGION: On average, Jews have higher levels of well-being than their counterparts of every other major faith in America. ( to quote from the other article she writes..The index itself is composed of six components, shown below. Jews scored the highest of any group on half of those sub-indices).

2. she also breaks down the marital status and it shows that the top of the list are married people next are singletons. what i find interesting is that all the other kinds of relationships not sectioned by the Torah are lower on the list then the singletons! which tells us that although people will tell you that they want to live their life as they choose and that is what will make them happy, we see in reality the opposite is true.
To summarize what does all this tell us. that as we get closer to Moshiach the world itself will say Torah is true and here we see that keeping Torah and mitzvoth will keep you happy! so its not something that your rabbi or teacher tells you. its the Gallup poll! so will you trust me know:)
we are not saying all the data here is accurate or that all the components are correct or suggesting that people model all the aspects of the index. We are just pointing out that throughout the generations Jews were considered the most persecuted people and now Gallup reports that the observant Jew is the happiest and the Jews in general are affluent. which are all precursors to the real thing.