Wednesday, March 22, 2023
Moshiach And Football
The Rebbe said, that the world is ready for Moshiach and that the nations of the world are ready for Moshiach and they are ready to keep the 7 laws of Noah. The Rebbe also told CNN that Moshiach is on the way and all we have to do is add in the realm of goodness and kindness. The Rebbe also said we have completed all our spiritual work that we needed to do in exile “to elevate the sparks” and now all the Mitzvos we are doing have a new function. The new function is, bringing down and reveling the light of Moshiach in the physical world. Therefore, every time we do a Mitzvah it reveles more of the light of Moshiach in the physical world and it manifests itself by having an effect on the actual physical world! We see results if this every time there is another breakthrough in world peace, more abundance, less hunger, more wealth, more health, longer life, etc…each occurrence of this type, is a direct result of people Studiying Torah and doing Mitzvos and specifically studying about Moshaich and redemption. A good example of this is what happened in Cincinanti on Monday January 2nd 2023, some say it is a peek into the near future when there will be no wars, no hate, no jealousy no illness and no hunger. One of the players for the Buffalo Bills (of the opposing team ) suffered a very serious injury in a freak accident on the field it was so severe that he had to be resuscitated twice. For the first time in NFL history the game was suspended due to an injury. Yet nobody was upset, everyone was focused on what just happened. There have been many injuries and many accidents in sports but the reaction that we had this time, was a first. All the fans from both teams were in shock as well as many of the players. Although this was an extremely important game for the Cincinanti Bengals nobody entertained the idea of continuing the game. The outpouring of love, compassion and support was unprecedented in sports history. In addition, the player had a charity that in the past raised a couple of hundred thousand dollars, since the incident in a just a couple of days it has raised over $8,000,000 dollars! People want to support him and express acts of kindness on his behalf. Talk show hosts are asking and articles are being written about this incident. They are asking what is so different with this incident versus other incidents? Why was the reaction so much more extreme! People will say that the way it happened and what happened etc…but some people say that the the real spiritual reason is that, somehow, this opened up a flood of goodness and kindness in people. Mercy and compassion where everywhere, people that normally aren’t moved to tears were very emotional. Another first was that the hosts of one of the most watched sports channel on TV stopped their show, and on live TV prayed to G-D to heal the player. Prefacing that they hoped it was okay to do this on line TV, It was a very generic prayer just saying how when we need help we turn to G-D to answer our prayers. Here we see again how the world changed, a world where goodness and kindness is everywhere a world where we don’t only think about ourselves, a world filled with the knowledge of G-D, and a world filled with peace, tranquility health and wealth, in the material and spiritual.
Thursday, March 16, 2023
Moshiach and the 7 laws of Noah
For thousands of years, although it was incumbent upon the Jewish people to teach the Seven Laws of Noah to the people of the world It was never done in great measure, due to the fear of persecution.
But lately, there has been huge explosion of interest in the Seven Laws of Noah. Some people estimate that there are currently around 20,000 practicing Noachides around the world. This is unprecedented by all standards! In previous generations an individual here and there might have heard about it, but now it has gone mainstream. There are now many websites that are dedicated to the Seven Laws of Noah. Lately, there have been many books that were published on the subject. And in addition to the thousands of people that are practicing Noachides, there are millions more that were exposed and are aware in some way or another about the Seven Laws of Noah and they try to follow some of them, and that number grows every day. in fact, the president of the United States Ronald Regen signed a proclamation (#4921) mentioning the importance of the Seven Nohide Laws..and again, president Bush signed a proclamation (#5957) mentioning the importance of the Seven Laws of Noah. In 2004 the leader of the Druze community in isreal signed a declearation, calling on all non Jews living in isreal to follow the Seven Laws of Noah. The fact that so many people are keeping the laws of Noah and so many millions more heard about it are all signs of the world becoming a Moshiach world. Becuase when Moshiach comes the Jews will not be persecuted anymore by some of the non Jewish - nations, in fact, the Non -Jews will help the Jewish people. The primary reason that The Seven Laws of Noah have not been publicised for all these thousands of years is due to the fact that the Jewish people were afraid of the terrible repercussions and persecutions that would result from this effort, as a very brief review of the history of the Jewish people will show. Now, that the world has changed and it has become a world much closer to Moshaich, we are seeing it’s effects in our day to day lives. One of the major effects of the world become more of a Moshaich world, is visible in the fact that we are not afraid anymore and are able to publicise The Seven Laws of Noah freely. Whereas, until now it was not done at all!! This helps us see how the approach of the world in general towards the Jews has changed drastically for the good. Taking it a step further, the fact that thousands of people practice the Seven Laws of Noah and millions more are aware of the Seven Laws of Noah and try to Incorporate in in some form into their lives, indicates how the world itself is preparing for and becoming more Moshaich oriented. Because when Moshaich comes the entire world will keep the Seven Laws of Noah and the whole world will serve Hashem as one. So we have two exciting indiocators of change here 1) That we are able to publicise the Seven Laws of Noah and publicise it to such a degree that 2 sitting U.S presidents have mentioned it in their public declaration that becomes a public record of the government of the United States of America.
2) The fact that so many people are starting to keep the Seven Laws of Noah and so many more are aware of them as the world is moving foreward into a Moshaich world where everyone will keep the Seven Laws of Noah.
So again here we have another example of how the world changed from one extreme to another, for the good!!
In That Time There will be no War and no Hunger…
This quote from Maimonides is in the final paragraph of his mganum opus, Mishnah Torah. It is from the last chapter, where he describes what the world will look like when Moshaich comes. The Rebbe has told us we need to open our eyes and we can see how Moshaich is here! Here is an article, that shows how since 1990 the amount of people in the world living in extreme poverty has fallen drastically! Where it used to be around 35% of the world population lived in extreme poverty, by 2019 it became less then 8% of the world population that lives in extreme poverty. In numbers, that translates to 2 billion people living in extreme poverty as of 1990 and to less then 500 million living in extreme poverty in 2019! By now 2023 we can assume the numbers have dropped even lower! 
If you want to review the data, here is the link.
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