When Moshaich comes, there will be the complete fusion of the spiritual and the physicial, we will see how the physical world is not at odds with godliness, but spirituality is part and parcel of this physical world, it’s just that until now it was hidden and now it’s being revealed. One of the ways how we see this taking place is how science (the world) is acknowledging the eternal truths found in the Torah. Whereas, until now, if you followed the Torah you were scorned for being old fashioned. Now there is an outburst of “discoveries” that seems to align with a Torah way of life, which brings health, wealth and blessings into a persons life. One such “discovery” is the function of sleep and dreams. In the last decade scientists have found that sleep and dreams (deep sleep, non -rem) act as a waste mangent system for the brain. It cleans the brain of toxins and helps our brain function better. Well what do you know, in the year 1817, in a discourse by the Mitteler Rebbe, the third Chabad Rebbe, (Shabbos Chazon Matzil Any) the function of sleep is explained, and why it’s needed. The Mittler Rebbe explaines that during sleep the intellect gets rid of its waste, by sorting the good from the bad, and this allows a person to think clearly after the sleep. And just like the body has a cleaning system in its external organs or faculties ( the digestive system) the body also has a cleaning system for its internel organs and facilities namely the intellect. He also explaines why exile is compared to a dream that just like in sleep and dreams we refine the intellect, the same things happens in exile, we refine and sort the good from the bed until the world is fully refined and ready for moshiach.
Here is a link to the Chasidic discourse:
Here is a link to the one of articles on sleep:
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